Opening Night: August 8, 2011
Closing: September 2, 2012
Theater: Union Square Theatre
If the world ended tomorrow, what would you leave behind? In Traces, the human body is pushed to its limits as a group of friends leave their mark in a run-down warehouse through acrobatics, music, and dance. Fusing the traditions of circus with the energy of street performance, Traces is an explosive display of raw emotion and physicality in an intimate urban setting. When it counts, will you leave it all on the stage?
August 9, 2011
In the midst of this slow, soggy shuffle we call August in New York, when lifting one foot (and another) off the sidewalk feels like a Herculean effort, it is hard to believe in those more typical, energized Manhattan months, when the city has a spring in its step. But if you’re looking for a pre-Labor Day fix of pure urban adrenaline, I can introduce you to this dealer on Union Square.
READ THE REVIEWAugust 9, 2011
They must put some thing in the water in Canada. The country has spawned an endless series of circus troupes, the most famous being Cirque du Soleil. The latest arrival is the Montreal-based 7 Fingers, and — if its show "Traces" is to be believed — what young people most like to do while hanging out is engage in gravity-defying acrobatics.
READ THE REVIEWAugust 10, 2011
Daring acrobatic feats and a youthful joie de vivre are the hallmarks of Traces, the enormously entertaining show from Canadian troupe Les 7 Doigts de la Main/7 Fingers, now at the Union Square Theatre for a limited run.
READ THE REVIEWAugust 10, 2011
The sun might be only eight light minutes away from the Earth, but there are times the circus franchise bearing its name has felt a lot more distant than that. Cirque du Soleil, for its many charms and talented participants, has thrived in part in this country by capturing a culture that’s both literally and figuratively foreign to ours in almost every particular. If that’s what you’re in the mood for when you go to the theatre, even to see a largely wordless and plotless entertainment, great. But for those who want something more real, more relatable, and more likely to resemble contemporary urban culture, a potent antidote has just opened at the Union Square Theatre: Traces.
READ THE REVIEWAugust 9, 2011
If the idea of seeing the circus sounds like a nice diversion from modern life, "Traces" is not for you. The thrilling off-Broadway show that opened Monday at the Union Square Theatre is more likely to leave you with a delicious sense of dread. Send in the clowns? More like send in the goons.
READ THE REVIEWOctober 12, 2011
The name of the Montreal-based neocircus company Les 7 Doigts de la Main translates to English as “7 Fingers,” and its tremendously entertaining Traces—a brash athletic vaudeville with a street-smart twist—treats its seven performers accordingly. Each is completely individuated, but connected at base to the rest; and together they pack a freakish punch, though it often feels more like a chuck to the chin. Despite moments of urgency, and a suggestion of crisis outside its walls, Traces is suffused with an infectious spirit of camaraderie; the show’s humanity and charm make its exuberant, parkour-inflected feats of acrobatics especially thrilling to watch.