The Wong Kids in the Secret of the Space Chupacabra Go!
Opening Night: January 28, 2014
Closing: February 16, 2014
Theater: La MaMa E.T.C.
Using a mix of action-driven storytelling, puppetry, and visual magic, The Wong Kids transports its audience into the far reaches of the galaxy. Violet and Bruce Wong just don’t fit in with the other Earth kids. Sure, they have superpowers, they’re just not very good ones. But when an evil beast called the Space Chupacabra appears, intent on universal destruction, The Wong Kids must travel to outer space in order to stop it… if they can only stop bickering. Violet and Bruce ultimately realize that being different isn’t just okay, it might just be the most important thing like ever.
February 2, 2014
What the heck is a chupacabra? Even if you think you know, you’re in for the unexpected at The Wong Kids in the Secret of the Space Chupacabra Go!, produced by La MaMa in association with Ma-Yi Theater Company and directed by Ralph B. Peña, with Jack Tamburri. The title is just as weird as the show, but it doesn’t even come close to giving you an idea of how much fun is in store.
READ THE REVIEWFebruary 7, 2014
Imagine if the Wonder Twins had no Super Friends, constantly bickered, and were totally unpopular and insecure. Those are the Wong Kids, stars of The Wong Kids in the Secret of the Space Chupacabra Go!, Lloyd Suh’s geektastic sci-fi comedy presented by the lauded Asian-American Ma-Yi Theater Company. One action-packed day, the title siblings (Alton Alburo and Sasha Diamond, both awesome) discover their “lame” powers (they can move rocks, sorta), learn that Earth is under attack by the evil space chupacabra and train to save humanity with two goofy gurus (Matthew Gunn Park and Curran Connor, hilarious in multiple roles).
READ THE REVIEWFebruary 2, 2014
It’s hardly a surprise when a children’s show has a message. Once adults start impersonating the young, there’s a mighty temptation to preach about the rewards of kindness or being tidy. But in Ma-Yi Theater Company’s production of Lloyd Suh’s The Wong Kids in the Secret of the Space Chupacabra GO!, the message isn’t in a tidy moral during the final scene. It’s in the very existence of the show.
READ THE REVIEWFebruary 5, 2014
The Wong Kids in the Secret of the Space Chupacabra Go! is a must see. Playing until February 16th at La MaMa, this play is filled with imagination, spontaneity, comedy, and heart. It is both moving and hilarious. Multi-layered, it is geared towards children and adults. (Perhaps not quite appropriate for a very young audience as there are a few parts that may be a little frightening).
READ THE REVIEWFebruary 10, 2014
Like Clark Kent and Peter Parker, the 11-year-old Bruce Wong is a sweet guy who inhabits the dweebier end of the social spectrum. His big sister, Violet, implores him to stop being such a nerd. He sits on his front lawn, trying to move rocks with his mind, and she’s mortified — until he succeeds. “I have superpowers!” Bruce exults. That plural is premature, but soon both he and Violet, 13, possess all the powers they need to save the universe in Lloyd Suh’s exuberantly imaginative adventure for children, The Wong Kids in the Secret of the Space Chupacabra Go!, at La MaMa.