December 7, 2016

“The Winter’s Tale” has been rewritten as the diary of a madman. Much of the first half of Cheek by Jowl’s viscerally charged interpretation of this strange Shakespeare romance, at the Harvey Theater of the Brooklyn Academy of Music, is presented through the perspective of one seriously demented king. His name is Leontes, and as portrayed by a towheaded, jeans-wearing Orlando James, he looks the very model of a laid-back modern monarch. Striking cheerful poses with his stylish wife, Hermione (a tonier-than-thou Natalie Radmall-Quirke) and their neatly attired son, Mamillius (Tom Cawte), Leontes evokes the accessible wholesomeness of Prince William in a Hello! magazine photo shoot. Observe, though, the strained expression that overtakes the good king’s face whenever a certain creepy music box melody starts up. (Paddy Cunneen is the composer and sound designer.) It’s a sound you associate with Italian slasher flicks of yore (remember Dario Argento?), and your instinct is to yell, “Watch out, Hermione, and lock up the axes!”