December 11, 2015

Anyone with inflamed performance-anxiety issues may want to think twice before attending “Take Care,” a willfully weird, highly interactive theater piece that uses a series of playful but ominous sketches and games to explore nervous-making aspects of the world today. You can choose to be a mere “voyeur,” as opposed to a “featured participant” (with a solo action or bit of dialogue) or a “group participant” (you have the company of at least two others). But even those party poopers who choose to be voyeurs — traditionally known as audience members — are expected to participate minimally in the show. The production, written by Todd Shalom and Niegel Smith, and directed by Mr. Smith, is presented in the basement of the Flea Theater. As you enter this dark area with folding plastic chairs arrayed on both sides of a central playing space, you choose your assignment. All non-voyeurs are given scripts describing what they should do and exactly when.