Machines, Machines…
Opening Night: June 8, 2009
Closing: June 27, 2009
Theater: HERE Arts Center
machines machines . . . explodes the world of garage tinkers and backyard engineers in a ridiculous theatre piece featuring the world’s most complicated machines set to perform the simplest tasks. Following the formula, "the most of amount of effort for the least amount of gain," three chowderhead geniuses reach for the heights of mechanical ingenuity to reveal the depths of human idiocy.
June 8, 2009
"In the wake of the grim news about the bankrupt auto giants, commentators have been bemoaning the decline of American manufacturing. Please don’t share this sad news with the three crackpot inventors in the gloriously demented new show “Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines,” at Here Arts Center."