Glass Guignol
Opening Night: December 6, 2017
Closing: December 23, 2017
Theater: Mabou Mines
December 11, 2017
Blow out your candles, Laura. And close your eyes. You might not want to see this.
“Glass Guignol: The Brother and Sister Play” sutures together several of Tennessee Williams’s dramas, using his relationship with his sister, Rose Williams, as the thread. The first production at Mabou Mines’ purpose-built theater in the East Village, it is a Southern Gothic creation, minus the Southern — part literary exegesis, part horror show, part psychotherapy session. With gorillas.
In childhood, Tennessee and Rose enjoyed what their mother called a “wild intimacy,” but the bond frayed in adolescence as Rose’s behavior grew more erratic. After she threatened to kill her father, she was committed to a mental institution where she received a diagnosis of schizophrenia and later underwent, to Tennessee’s enduring guilt, a bilateral prefrontal lobotomy.