April 17, 2015

Public displays of affection are hardly uncommon in Manhattan, where it can often seem as if all the world’s a make-out party. But few such demonstrations are as artfully awkward — or as thoroughly public — as that of a couple recently spotted on West 42nd Street. There, in the lobby of the Grace Building, before a wall of windows onto the street, a couple of lithe young things went through what felt like a whole cycle of love (infatuation, consummation, post-coital depression) within 17 minutes. They had their hands all over not only each other but also the seedy signage for a motel that had been installed as their personal playground. “Welcome to Paradise,” read one of the signs. “Open all night,” promised another. So the dancers Tara O’Con and Joshua Reaver made good on these implicit invitations by stretching, folding and curving themselves (together and separately) into poses of languor, excitement, giddiness and loneliness, while passers-by looked on and looked away.