January 24, 2018

The first game of the first set of the so-called Battle of the Sexes — the $100,000 winner-take-all tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs in 1973 — is marvelously reproduced in a new play called “Balls.” The action proceeds in real time, shot by shot, perfectly synchronized to a soundtrack of racket tapping, score keeping, sneaker squeaking and thwacks.

Unfortunately, there are 27 games to go.

One thing I have to say for “Balls,” which opened on Wednesday at 59E59 Theater, is that it has … a lot of nerve. Plays about sports are not often very good, plays about tennis even less so, and this particular contest — recently the subject of the film “Battle of the Sexes” — would seem to be overmined. Even if stage directors can invoke the audience’s imagination to fill in the blanks, filling in so many gets tiring fast.