An Act of God (2016)
Opening Night: June 6, 2016
Closing: September 4, 2016
Theater: Booth Theatre
“An Act of God” is a 90-minute comedy where God, in the form of Emmy-winner Sean Hayes, reveals the mysteries of the Bible and answers some of the deepest questions that have plagued mankind since Creation.
June 6, 2016
“An Act of God” first played on Broadway last summer, when it starred Jim Parsons of “The Big Bang Theory” as God, who at the start of the show takes human form and announces that he’s going to reveal an entirely new set of ten commandments. The 85-minute comedy received mixed reviews, but proved a box office hit — inspiring the producers to re-mount the show for fourteen weeks this summer, this time with Sean Hayes of “Will & Grace” in the lead role. To quote Luke 12:15: “Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.”
I know it’s traditionally said that the Jews are God’s chosen people. But evidence to the contrary is currently on view on Broadway, where “An Act of God” opened (or rather reopened) on Monday at the Booth Theater. God’s chosen people actually appear to be — gay sitcom stars! Call it the big reveal left out of the Book of Revelation.
Is it odd to report that someone has “matured into a role,” if the role we’re talking about is the big kahuna, our lord almighty, author of The Ten Commandments, generally omnipresent being, and so forth? I had that sense as I laughed, robustly and often, through Sean Hayes’, er, headlining turn in “An Act of God,” the 90-minute comedy back for a second New York stint, after a run last summer with Jim Parsons in the white robe and sensible athletic shoes.
As subversions go, you could hardly trump David Javerbaum’s An Act of God, which plays like a lay-’em-in-the-aisles one-man comedy despite being (as I wrote in my review of its limited run last year) “one of the most vehement takedowns of the deity ever to reach Broadway.” It’s still exactly that, though also something different, in the version that reopened tonight, once again directed by Joe Mantello, and starring Sean Hayes in the Role originally played by Jim Parsons. Except for a few topical references — to Hamilton, to Will and Grace, to the Jets instead of the Cubs — the script is unchanged; it still posits a God who, in order to announce some new policies to humanity, has come to Broadway (where the Jews are) in the form of a popular actor in white robes and sneakers. The new policies involve a revised set of ten commandments (“Thou shalt not tell others whom to fornicate”) and a universal reboot. God, you see, is unsatisfied with his creation, and also with himself.
I could say that the return engagement of “An Act of God,” now with Sean Hayes, is a revelation, a miraculous epiphany or similar “religious” experience. Truth to tell, I was already a believer. I thoroughly enjoyed David Javerbaum’s theological satire last summer when it starred Jim Parsons, and I could watch Hayes’s bratty-campy shtick all night. So what if Hayes and his helpful angels Gabriel and Michael (James Gleason, David Josefsberg) are preaching to the choir? Preach out, Sean!