A Moon for the Misbegotten
Opening Night: March 18, 2012
Closing: April 15, 2012
Theater: New York City Center - Stage II
They meet on a barren patch of earth, in the ghostly glow of an autumn moon. The jaded James Tyrone is on the edge of despair; the fiercely passionate Josie Hogan is lonely beyond endurance. But on this night, under this moon, hope sparks between them. In Eugene O’Neill’s bittersweet elegy, two wounded hearts experience the power of redemption–and the saving grace of love.
March 22, 2012
The ravaged James Tyrone on display at City Center Stage II in the Pearl Theater Company’s sure-footed revival of “A Moon for the Misbegotten,” as played by Andrew May, has got a certain quality. He’s downright … unexceptional.
READ THE REVIEWMarch 19, 2012
It took no small amount of guts for the Pearl Theatre Company to mount “A Moon for the Misbegotten.”
READ THE REVIEWMarch 23, 2012
A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to win her man. Esteemed American playwright Eugene O’Neill, winner of four Pulitzer Prizes and the Nobel Prize for Literature, created a fierce literary heroine who does just that in his 1943 tragedy, "A Moon for the Misbegotten."
READ THE REVIEWMarch 23, 2012
A Moon for the Misbegotten, Eugene O’Neill’s timeless masterpiece that was first performed in 1947, has been produced five times on Broadway. I was lucky enough to see the revival starring Cherry Jones and Gabriel Byrne. Thanks to a superb cast and wonderful direction by J. R. Sullivan, theatergoers can now enjoy an equally unforgettable production that works well in the more intimate setting of New York City Center Stage II.
READ THE REVIEWMarch 18, 2012
Ever since it was revived in 1973, Eugene O’Neill’s once forgotten "A Moon for the Misbegotten" has become a favorite vehicle for actors to flex their dramatic muscles. Completed in 1943, the play continues the tragic downward spiral of Jamie Tyrone, the wastrel elder brother of "Long Day’s Journey Into Night," as he attempts to find solace in the arms of an earth-mother figure in the form of Josie Hogan, a boisterous yet tenderhearted farmwoman. The drama combines the pathos of Jim’s battle against his inner demons with raucous Irish humor derived from the antics of Josie and her leprechaun-like father, Phil, who live on land rented from Tyrone. It premiered on Broadway in 1957, four years after the playwright’s death, received mixed notices, and closed after only 68 performances. "Moon" was largely ignored until director José Quintero staged that legendary revitalizing production, with Jason Robards and Colleen Dewhurst plunging to the depths of the characters’ souls and sharing the treasures found there with grateful critics and audiences.