Victory – Choices in Reaction
Opening Night: July 5, 2011
Closing: July 31, 2011
Theater: Atlantic Stage Two
A comic, bawdy, passionate play set in the chaos of the Restoration in 1660. Bradshaw, the widow of a Republican intellectual, discovering the fate of her husband’s body, sets out on a journey of personal exploration….a play about self-knowledge and personal survival in a disorderly and scandalous epoch of English history.
July 20, 2011
What is a lone Puritan widow in 1660s England to do when the Restoration government digs up her husband’s body, decapitates him posthumously and puts his head on a pike? If she is a character written by Howard Barker and played by the incomparable Jan Maxwell, she sets off on a journey to collect the pieces, no matter what that trip might do to her.