November 14, 2017

The dense, bare, grass-green carpet on which Anna Ziegler’s “Actually” is staged establishes perfectly the Princeton University setting, with its air of privilege and legacy lawns. But it also establishes the play’s psychosexual setting: the open field of contention that is college life today.

Or at least that’s what college life becomes for Amber Cohen and Tom Anthony, the play’s sole characters. Before their first campus autumn has turned to winter, they’ve completed what seems to be a new freshman trifecta: flirting after psych class, hooking up drunk and then appearing as adversaries at a hearing to adjudicate an accusation of rape.

“Actually,” which opened on Tuesday night in the smaller of Manhattan Theater Club’s two spaces beneath City Center, could hardly be better timed — and not just because obvious and powerful predators like Harvey Weinstein are being exposed every day.