January 21, 2015

Some plays are better staged after the holidays, when audience members are less likely to hyperventilate in sympathetic response. Here’s one: Brian Watkins’s Wyoming, in which a family’s Thanksgiving is jolted by the arrival of a surprise guest — the long-lost son who killed his father and has barely been mentioned since. Good thing it’s January, huh? Festering secrets and the purging of them are at the center of Wyoming, much as they were in My Daughter Keeps Our Hammer, Mr. Watkins’s grim two-hander last year at the Flea Theater. Danya Taymor, who directed then, directs now, too, this time for Lesser America at Theater for the New City. Wyoming finds Mr. Watkins working with a larger canvas: a family of seven, spanning three generations and more than 30 years, beginning in the early 1960s. He’s interested in the ripple effect over time of the silence that Maggie (Laura Ramadei), the matriarch, has enforced since her husband, Hank (Carter Hudson), died.