March 2, 2015

If Mikel Murfi ever fails as an actor (and this seems highly unlikely), he could make a killing at children’s birthday parties. The man has a rare talent for animal sounds. In the brief span of The Man in the Woman’s Shoes, at the Irish Arts Center, he voices chickens, bees, sea gulls, songbirds, sheep, a pig, a dog and a dying turkey, that last with enough realism to put you off drumsticks for life. Mr. Murfi’s solo show, which he also scripted, follows a few hours in the life of the full-time cobbler, occasional farmer and all-around stand-up guy Pat Farnon. In the opening monologue, Pat describes his animals, his house, his plans for the day. Then he lets us in on a little secret: He is mute. “I can’t talk,” he says. “I know you can hear me and all, but that talk is all going on inside me head.”