Photo from the show Pink border doodle

Markus Potter’s ‘Stalking the Bogeyman’

A review of Stalking the Bogeyman by David Finkle | October 1, 2014

When he was 7 and his family was making new friends after relocating in Anchorage, David Holthouse (Roderick Hill) was raped by Nathan Crawford (Erik Heger), the 17-year-old son of a couple to whose home the Holthouses had been invited for the evening. Not only did David carry the effects of the criminal act from then on, he determined early in his adulthood that he was going to murder Nathan, who’d become for him the titular figure in Stalking the Bogeyman, adapted by Markus Potter from the story Holthouse told on NPR’s This American Life. The stage version, at New World Stages, couldn’t be more moving from the moment Hill as David steps front and center to announce his plan and to explain why he’s developed it as he goes on to tell his story in flashback.