Just Sex
Opening Night: March 22, 2012
Closing: April 15, 2012
Theater: Theatre for the New City
Katherine and William are in lust — with other people. But they are also married — to each other. Unwilling to cheat, they open their marriage, test their limits, and confront hilarious reminders that extramarital escapades can lead to much more than just sex. What begins as an online exercise in physical release becomes a real-life challenge to the couple’s notions of normalcy, love, and fidelity. What are the moral boundaries of cybersex? What’s the difference between pixels and flesh? Find out in this daring, honest new comedy.
April 9, 2012
Brandt Johnson’s “Just Sex” is set in the present, but perhaps it’s better to think of it as a comedy of manners from the turn of the century — the 21st century.
READ THE REVIEWApril 3, 2012
There’s no doubt that the Internet has changed every aspect of our lives. We can watch TV shows and movies for free, stalk all our old high school friends, and we can get off. Brandt Johnson’s play Just Sex explores the new world of cybersex, that magical invention that allows you to get intimate with the pixels on your screen.
READ THE REVIEWMarch 27, 2012
Brandt Johnson’s “Just Sex” was first seen as part of 2011’s Dream Up Festival—and it shows. Johnson’s script is rife with the tell-tale signs of a festival show, from salacious subject matter to an eagerness to include Deep Thoughts but an unwillingness to explore them if doing so requires too much thinking on anyone’s part.
READ THE REVIEWApril 2, 2012
A clever script and a talented cast make this comedy centered around a married couple pushing the boundaries of monogamy highly entertaining.