Opening Night: July 26, 2016
Closing: July 31, 2016
Theater: Gerald W. Lynch
The danger lies not in machine becoming more like man … but in man becoming more like machine. Like a giant graphic novel burst into life, Golem invites you into a dark and fantastical tale of an extraordinary, ordinary man. Created by the award-winning London-based performance company 1927, this synthesis of handmade animation, claymation, live music, and theater is a dystopian fable for the 21st century that cleverly and satirically asks who—or what—is in control of our technologies? In Golem, which draws inspiration from both the shadowy figure of Jewish folklore as well as the early 20th-century literary work by Gustav Meyrink, humankind’s downfall comes about through a time-saving, life-simplifying gadget bought by the masses—a nightmare of the digital revolution made all the more ghoulish by the candy-colored world in which it is set.
July 27, 2016
Who, or what, is really in charge of our destiny? We like to believe that our will, our imagination, our reason are meticulously clicking away, taking hold of the future and shaping it to our desires. But what about that little companion in our pocket we consult so regularly, with its innumerable little helpers that we refer to dozens if not hundreds of times a day, attending to their chirps and beeps and rings as if to a relentless taskmaster?