altar boyz
Opening Night: March 1, 2005
Closing: January 10, 2010
Theater: New World Stages
An award-winning musical comedy spoof of a fictional Christian pop group (with one nice Jewish boy). This new musical comedy about a Christian boy band includes lyrics such as "Girl, You Make Me Want to Wait" and "Jesus Called Me on My Cell Phone."
March 18, 2010
Bummed that the Backstreet Boys are no more? Feeling sunk that ‘N Sync came ‘nstuck? Taken ill since Take That took their leave? Then give thanks to the Lord because the "Altar Boyz" are here, saving souls and spreading the word while adhering religiously to the sacred commandments of the boy-band creed. Never mind that the one-joke show is as disposable as the innocuous pop phenomenon it apes to perfection. This breezy entertainment makes no claims to enter the musical theater pantheon, but is an energetic crowdpleaser that should stick around Off Broadway for some time.
READ THE REVIEWMarch 18, 2010
It’s not often that a perfect musical floats into town, so audiences are urged to grab Altar Boyz immediately, even though the show is so out-and-out terrific that it’s likely to hang on for years in Manhattan and spawn companies in every large-, medium-, and small-sized burg throughout the land. Maybe the five-actor, four-musician show handily achieves perfection in every department because God the Father is rumored to be without flaw and this smart-as-a-whip tuner is a satirical plug for Him plus the other two thirds of the Holy Trinity.
READ THE REVIEWMarch 18, 2010
Theatergoers crying out for a spoof of Christian-rock boy bands ? and yes, they do exist ? now have one in the form of "Altar Boyz."
READ THE REVIEWMarch 18, 2010
An adorable romp with a Christian boy band, "Altar Boyz" is a cinch to win over swingers and Sunday school teachers alike.
READ THE REVIEWDecember 23, 2005
There are two types of guilty pleasures in New York theater. The first, the disastrous idea so pitifully executed that it’s worth an evening just for the schadenfreude, comes along every few months.