Our God’s Brother
Opening Night: April 4, 2014
Closing: May 3, 2014
Theater: The Storm Theatre
An aristocrat turned revolutionary escapes from the Czarist authorities to find his calling as a critically acclaimed painter. But he cannot ignore what everyone around him fails to see. He yearns to reach a higher calling only to be soundly rejected. Rebellion is brewing, but his far greater challenge is the struggle within himself.
April 18, 2014
On April 27, the Vatican will live-stream a ceremony elevating Karol Wojtyla, later known as Pope John Paul II, to sainthood. Storm Theater and Blackfriars Repertory Theater have devised an alternative way to celebrate the pope, reviving his 1949 play, Our God’s Brother, translated by Boleslaw Taborksi, at the Theater of the Church of Notre Dame. Our God’s Brother chronicles the life of Adam Chmielowski (Jed Peterson), a Polish religious brother who was canonized in 1989 (by John Paul II). A painter of some note, Chmielowski ultimately decided to abandon his art. He believes his paintings have a spiritual quality, that “a picture is capable of dissecting a man, transforming a man.” Still, he concludes that feeding, clothing and living among the poor matters far more than his canvases — a choice that clearly resonated with Wojtyla, who abandoned the theater for a life of service.