April 20, 2015

Put down those probiotics, step away from the treadmill and leave that Lipitor prescription unfilled. You can stop worrying about extending your life via diet and nutrition, because in just a few decades, scientists will perfect the art of regeneration. Well, almost. The titular heroine of “Emily Climbs (Machine Méchant),” at the Brick, undergoes a rebirthing procedure in the year 2090. But she comes back in triplicate. This piece, by the theater company Nellie Tinder, is experimental theater as math problem. If “Emily Climbs” seems like a singular story, it’s actually two stories, told by three actors playing the same character, who shares a name with a book by the Canadian novelist L.M. Montgomery, one in a trilogy. Half of “Emily Climbs” is about this regenerative botch and the multiple Emilys that it births. The other half, rather more interesting, is about Emily’s involvement with a dynamic, disastrous politician named Kathleen.