I’m Going To Make A Small Incision Behind Your Ear to Check and See IF You’re Actually Human

I’m Going To Make A Small Incision Behind Your Ear to Check and See IF You’re Actually Human
Opening Night: December 8, 2010
Closing: December 18, 2010
Theater: The Bushwick Starr
A dance/ theater/ installation/ chance operation comprised of 30+ segments presented in random order every night. Witness Relocation presents acts of mayhem and panic with a plot about possible invasion and some high energy dance numbers.
December 15, 2010
A contest involving swigs of whiskey forms one section of Witness Relocation’s “I’m Going to Make a Small Incision Behind Your Ear to Check and See if You’re Actually Human.” This is called “Worst Whiskey Contest”; a brief journalistic investigation on opening night last week at the Bushwick Starr unearthed that the title comes from the quality of the alcohol (Philadelphia, $9.99 a liter, for those connoisseurs of economy out there).
READ THE REVIEWDecember 16, 2010
The alien hordes have descended! And they want our Jack Daniels. That is but one of the extraterrestrial truths propounded in Witness Relocation’s I’m Going to Make a Small Incision Behind Your Ear to Check and See If You’re Actually Human, a cheerfully incoherent performance piece at the Bushwick Starr, loosely based on the cult miniseries V. At the end of the show, one company member steps forward and explains what has transpired: “It’s a little dance, a little acting, a little chaotic—it’s not really planned in advance,” she says. “It’s about alien lizards taking over the planet.”